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Employee Feature: Q&A with Megan Dhaliwal, Marketing Co-op

Meet Megan Dhaliwal, one of Copperleaf’s talented co-ops. As Megan’s co-op term comes to an end, she shares her experience here, what she’s learned, and her advice to other students.

What are you currently studying at UBC and what do you do at Copperleaf?

“I am studying commerce with specializations in marketing and entrepreneurship and a concentration in sustainability and social impact. At Copperleaf, I am a co-op on the marketing team.”

What new skills have you developed from this experience?

“Coming into this role, I had no experience with the marketing technology that my team uses. But after thorough training from the previous co-op, I was able to jump right into using Marketo, Salesforce, LinkedIn Campaign Manager, WordPress, Uberflip and more. My team gave me assignments with considerable autonomy and after proving myself, encouraged me to lead projects.”

The best part of Copperleaf’s culture is how open and communicative it is. I feel confident voicing my opinion in meetings and working on projects directly with company executives. I am not siloed into the tasks described in the job posting, I am empowered to create my own projects or join others that are of interest.

Megan Dhaliwal
Marketing Co-op

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the entire company transitioned to working from home. What was this experience like for you as a co-op?

“Working from home and similar flexible working options were already common at Copperleaf, so it was a smooth transition for my team. As a co-op, my biggest concern was missing out on the learning opportunities that come up organically in an office setting but were harder to achieve while working remotely. However, this concern was quickly dismissed as projects continued to flow my way—including those involving challenges brought on by our new situation, such as helping to transform Copperleaf’s annual AIPM Summit from an in-person event into a virtual format.”

What was the biggest challenge?

“Now that we have transitioned to working from home, my biggest challenge has been learning how to unplug from my home office. As a student, I was used to always having something to work on or review, so it was difficult to stop myself from just working all day. I had a similar challenge when working in the office, but I did eventually have to go home! Luckily, my supervisor gave me great advice on how to overcome this issue such as setting reasonable daily goals and the importance of taking breaks from work.”

One of the important learning experiences for co-op students is networking within in an office. How were you able to do this while working remotely?

“If you have specific goals in mind, there are a number of ways to leverage the programs and people at Copperleaf. For networking, there are Mattermost channels related to specific topics of interest, or I can join the virtual Copperleaf Café room where I can chat with others over GoToMeeting. I also have access to Namely profiles of everyone in the company including their LinkedIn and contact information, and there are several formal mentorship and leadership training programs available. Similarly, if I want to work on learning a new skill, I can easily find someone to study with or learn from. At Copperleaf, there are always opportunities for personal and professional growth, it is just up to you to take it.”

What advice would you give to someone who’s interested in the co-op program?

“Ask questions! As a co-op, this is your opportunity to learn and your team will support you.”

What is your favorite part of Copperleaf’s culture?

“The best part of Copperleaf’s culture is how open and communicative it is. I feel confident voicing my opinion in meetings and working on projects directly with company executives. I am not siloed into the tasks described in the job posting, I am empowered to create my own projects or join others that are of interest.”

To learn more about joining Copperleaf’s marketing team as a co-op, please visit the UBC Sauder School of Business Co-Op Program.

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