Blog Hero Interchange - Copperleaf Decision Analytics

Written by: Copperleaf


Nov. 29, 2021 (Vancouver, BC) – To support its new Transportation Asset Management System (TAMS), the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) has announced Copperleaf as part of its comprehensive enterprise asset management software solution. ® Decision Analytics Solution.

Copperleaf は、SNC-Lavalin グループのメンバーである Data Transfer Solutions, LLC (DTS)と提携して、交通資産管理、プロジェクトのノミネーション、スコーピング、資金調達、ポートフォリオの最適化、意思決定サポートを改善するために、次のレベルのトラッキングとレポーティングを提供しています。Copperleaf Decision Analytics Solutionは、業務データ、財務データ、資産データを活用し、組織が最高の価値をもたらす持続可能な投資決定を行えるよう支援します。DTSは、TAMSソリューションの導入、Copperleafソリューションのライセンスおよびメンテナンスを含むサービスを提供します。

Copperleafのミランダ・アルドリット社長は、「Caltransがより統合された資産投資計画プロセスに移行するのを支援できることに感激している」と述べている。「DTS とのパートナーシップを通じて、Caltrans が米国中の交通機関がより強固で、包括的、透明性のある資産管理計画を実施する道を開くと確信しています」。

「Copperleafとの提携により、当社の資産管理ソフトウェアVUEWorks®、CopperleafのDecision Analytics Solution、ESRIのGISマッピング・ソフトウェアの相補的な機能を統合し、包括的でユニークな交通資産管理意思決定支援ツール(TAMDST)をCaltransおよび交通市場全体に提供することになります。」とDTSのドナ・M・ヒューイ社長は述べています。

About Copperleaf
Copperleaf (TSX: CPLF) provides decision analytics for companies managing critical infrastructure. Our enterprise software solutions leverage operational and financial data to help you make investment decisions that deliver the highest business value. What makes us unique is our commitment to providing rich experiences built by caring people, products that offer exceptional value, and long-lasting partnerships. We are also a member of the Institute of Asset Management and actively participate in shaping the future of asset management standards, including ISO55000. Headquartered in Vancouver, Canada, our solutions are scaled and supported by local staff and partners around the world. Together with that, we will change the way we see values ​​in the world.

Data Transfer Solutions Data Transfer Solutions LLC (DTS) is a leading asset management and geographic information systems company in the North American market. As the developer of VUEWorks®, a comprehensive enterprise asset management software solution, DTS provides cutting-edge tools and solutions for customers with large and complex infrastructure assets. These solutions help inventory, manage and optimize the entire lifecycle of physical assets. SNC-Lavalin acquired DTS in 2017, enhancing the capabilities of SNC-Lavalin’s Atkins business and enhancing its service offerings in digital asset management for its customers.

Contact for this matter:
Copperleaf Technologies Inc.
Office: +1.604.639.9700
Email: Media Relations

SNC-Lavalin Contact Information:
Maureen Nayowith
VP, Communications
U.S. & Latin America
Office: +1 303.214.0840

Email: [email protected]