Informed decisions that drive corporate strategy and maximize ROI

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Does your organization’s spending effectively support your strategic objectives? Do you have a direct line of sight into investments across your enterprise to optimize plans in the short, medium, and long term?

Create the best possible investment plans

The Copperleaf® Decision Analytics Solution streamlines the process of developing, approving, and managing investments through their full lifecycle. It provides a centralized, enterprise-wide platform to capture all candidate investments, allowing them to be scoped, costed, valued, and organized into portfolios. Our software helps finance professionals:

  • Assess the benefits of all investments consistently to make trade-off decisions with confidence
  • Optimize investment portfolios to maximize value and drive strategic outcomes, while respecting multiple operating constraints
  • Identify which investments to defer when there are funding or cash flow constraints
  • Create what-if scenarios to compare and contrast the value, timing, risks, and costs of different investment strategies—to build a robust, defensible plan


Planning for the long term

In this video, investment planning professionals from Network Rail, National Grid, and Northumbrian Water discuss how the Copperleaf Decision Analytics Solution is helping them make the right investments at the right time and demonstrate value for money from investments more accurately.

Alt Block Spillway - Copperleaf Decision Analytics

Copperleaf Portfolio: ROI

Return on Investment (ROI) is a key consideration when investing in any enterprise software solution. Through case studies and independent research, we have collected a robust data set to quantify the benefits Copperleaf clients have realized. The benefits are focused on four areas:

  • Higher-value plans
  • Planning process efficiencies
  • Improved plan execution
  • Benefits to drive strategy


Building a defensible investment plan streamlines regulatory approval

Today’s investment planning landscape looks drastically different than just 15 years ago. Utilities must perform more detailed cost and benefit analyses to show regulators that the most optimal investment plan has been selected, considering all stakeholder needs and requirements.

Copperleaf and Black & Veatch helped a US electric utility develop and gain approval on a $2 billion grid modernization plan that will deliver $6.8 billion in benefits to customers and the economy over a 6-year planning horizon.


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Risk, value, finance, and decision making

Many organizations use “cut line” techniques to determine which projects to fund: rank the projects by value, then add up the costs of the projects while going down the list and stop when all funds have been allocated. This very basic approach generally does not lead to the most efficient use of money or resources.

Better techniques are available to solve this challenge. These solutions take into consideration multiple strategic objectives and determine which projects will deliver the highest possible value to the organization while honoring all targets and constraints (financial, resources, risk tolerances, timing, dependencies, etc.).


The business case for enterprise portfolio management

In this webinar, experts from Accenture and Copperleaf discuss the impact of new technologies on the energy sector and how organizations have many more projects and assets to contend with—requiring a transformation of PPM processes to help them select the optimal portfolio of projects to execute. This article highlights five keys to success for asset-intensive organizations.


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Predict plan performance using machine learning

Copperleaf’s Performance Prediction capability helps organizations gain accurate insights into the expected costs, benefits, and risks mitigated by their capital plans. It uses machine learning (ML) and statistical analysis techniques to predict the performance of investment portfolios based on historical data.

With Performance Prediction, you can account for cost and schedule uncertainties and use this information to understand the likelihood of overspending or underspending—and make contingency plans accordingly.


Adopted by Industry Leaders

Alt Block National Grid Gas Transmission - Copperleaf Decision Analytics

Integrated AIPM process at National Grid Gas Transmission

National Grid Gas Transmission (NGGT) owns and operates the high-pressure gas transmission network in Great Britain. The Copperleaf solution will help NGGT deliver its business plan as cost-effectively as possible, contributing to a 4% efficiency on capital expenditure, saving £11 million per year.


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Best practices for capital planning excellence

A multinational midstream company implemented the Copperleaf Decision Analytics Solution as part of an enterprise-wide asset management transformation. Capital planning excellence has enabled the organization to streamline operations and transform its decision-making processes to realize 15% more value from its investment portfolios and secure a 30% increase in maintenance capital spend.


Discussions about gas engineering tend to be very technical, but our finance folks want a simplified narrative. That can make discussions around capital and operating expenditures difficult. Copperleaf helps us bridge this gap, so the information can be understood by people across the company.

Pradheep Kileti

Director, Future of Heat and R&D Program Management

National Grid

When the finance department has data-driven decision analytics, they can see early warning signs of systemic degradation – lower margins or higher O&M costs. They can ring the alarm bell earlier and start on the solution before operations feels the pain.

Javier Fernandez


Omaha Public Power District

Copperleaf will help us manage our assets and make the best possible investment decisions—that means more accurate REPEX forecasts, and a more effective and efficient Program of Work for our customers.

Nicole Eastoe

Asset Strategy and Performance Group Leader


You’ve got to plan around not just the portfolio of one type of work, but the portfolio of all the work taking place in the utility. When you’re dealing with a large portfolio, you need asset investment planning tools that Copperleaf brings to the table.

Andy Abranches

Senior Director Wildfire Risk Management

Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E)

The ability to collect and manage your investments in a portfolio management approach is really something we use to reinforce accountability and ownership for the investments.

Donna Keck

Nuclear Investment Planning Finance Manager

Duke Energy

The Copperleaf tool really gives us an opportunity to optimize our investment plans. It helps us optimize in the short, the medium and the long term. It also helps us optimize our capital and operational investments.

Carol Cairns

Strategic Planning Manager

Northumbrian Water

The key thing is that Copperleaf focuses on value. Their financial optimization gives us an enhanced capability to build the right plan for our customers and shareholders.

Chris Royce

Former Head of Strategic Investment Management

Anglian Water

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Our Product Suite

Copperleaf’s scalable enterprise software solution can grow with you as your business needs evolve. It integrates seamlessly with your existing EAM, APM, ERP, GIS, and other systems for more efficient, data-driven decision-making.

Copperleaf Asset
Balance cost, risk, and business outcomes across your entire asset base
Copperleaf Portfolio
Create the best investment plans for today and an increasingly complex future
Copperleaf Value
Align your organization to achieve its strategic objectives

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