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Copperleaf WIRES Discussion Group


Client Alectra - Copperleaf Decision Analytics
Client Endeavour Energy - Copperleaf Decision Analytics
Client PowerCo - Copperleaf Decision Analytics
Client National Grid - Copperleaf Decision Analytics
Client Elia- Copperleaf Decision Analytics
Client Visue - Copperleaf Decision Analytics
Client SRP - Copperleaf Decision Analytics
Client Logo Hydro One - Copperleaf Decision Analytics
Client FortisBC - Copperleaf Decision Analytics
Client American Electric Power - Copperleaf Decision Analytics
Client Logo Cerius Radius - Copperleaf Decision Analytics
Client EDP - Copperleaf Decision Analytics
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Join us throughout the year for WIRES (Worldwide Investment Roundtable for the Electric Sector) events: informal, open discussions for organizations in the electric industry (Transmission/Distribution/Generation) with a mix of client-led and Copperleaf-led topics.

Past Sessions

Alt Block Wildfire - Copperleaf Decision Analytics

ESG Value Models

In this session, Carsten Kessler, Client Success Manager, and John Harvey, ESG Practice Lead, discussed ESG Value Models to gain valuable insights into how Copperleaf can help you with your ESG journey. The session covered:

  • General concept & increased importance / opportunity in Asset Investment Planning
  • ESG Value Framework at Copperleaf
  • Emerging environmental models
  • User Community examples
  • Usage and valuing of models
  • Constraints and Optimization


Community Product Learning Series - Copperleaf Decision Analytics

Enhancing Regulatory Confidence at Ameren Illinois

In this session, Josh Zeter, Supervising Engineer, Asset Management, shared how Ameren Illinois is using Copperleaf to demonstrate cost effectiveness of investments.

Josh covered:
1. How a robust framework is essential for Ameren to effectively communicate investment benefits to stakeholders and regulators
2. How they used a clear and structured decision-making framework for their regulatory filing

This session was not recorded. If you’d like to learn more, please contact [email protected].

Predictive Analytics Use Cases

Clients from across industries shared their experiences using Predictive Analytics in Copperleaf. Speakers included Hydro Ottawa, Endeavour Energy, and more. They shared their journeys and took questions in this interactive session.


Spiral Staircase Image

Using Copperleaf In Rate Case/Regulatory Filings

Copperleaf clients from across industries shared their experiences using Copperleaf to support their rate case and/or regulatory filings. Speakers included SDG&E, Powerco, Endeavour Energy, and more.

The Copperleaf Innovation also team touched on how Copperleaf and generative AI technology can streamline business case creation and regulatory filing processes.


Energy Justice

This WIRES session featured an informative presentation by Julie Scrivner, CSM at Copperleaf, followed by an engaging, open discussion including attendees from Endeavour Energy, Powerco, Ameren, BC Hydro and more.

Julie Scrivner (Copperleaf)

This session was not recorded. If you’d like to learn more, please contact [email protected].

Successes, Challenges & Lessons Learned: Optimization

An engaging roundtable discussion was kicked off by client speakers from around the world, as they shared their successes and lessons learned from their optimization journeys.

Josh Zeter (Ameren Illinois)
Anthony Conning (Powerco)
Andrew Van Der Meer (Endeavour Energy)

This session was not recorded. If you’d like to learn more, please contact [email protected].

Alt Block Executive Dashboard - Copperleaf Decision Analytics

Executive Dashboards

Joined by members of our Product Management team, Mark Tuggle of Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) showcased some of the work he and his team have been doing with the product team on a Copperleaf Labs initiative to create executive dashboards that allow them to easily communicate plans and results to leadership.

Mark Tuggle (TVA)
Danilo Prates (Copperleaf)
Washington Ribeiro (Copperleaf)

This session was not recorded. If you’d like to learn more, please contact [email protected].

Investment Capture for Copperleaf Portfolio

Use Cases: Investment Capture for Copperleaf Portfolio

TVA, Ameren Illinois and AES shared how they and their teams use Investment Capture to streamline how their teams enter and track investments in Copperleaf Portfolio.

Semir Vajzovic (Ameren Illinois)
Mark Tuggle (TVA)
Santi Vasquez (Copperleaf on behalf of AES)

This session was not recorded. If you’d like to learn more, please contact [email protected].